Quick break from our societal norms section to focus on this. I like it.
I give you freedom unlike that which you have ever known. Freedom to be exactly as I made you, for I make no mistakes. That is the gospel. Not one list of rules for another, but freedom to follow your deepest passions and desires for they will lead you closer to me. This is the message of hope that I have sent you to tell the world. My yoke is light, my burden is easy. You are free.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by holding up what you were taught, what you were shown, to my word, and watch as the chains fall. Renew yourself in me. Be free. Allow others to be free in My NAME. Be free.
When you give me all, not just your future, but your past and present, then know that I will cover you. I will protect you. I will guard you. I will free you.
Be free, my precious children, that is My calling on your life. To be free in me, Free to sing, free to dance, free to sit in silence without guilt, shame, or regret. You are free. I have freed you. I have paid the blood price. You are free.
Free to love without fear, and without reservation, I will always provide you with what you need. If I didn't provide it, you didn't need it. All along I have given you so much more than what you asked for, but gave you nothing you didn't need, so that I might free you from all that you think you need and instead see my bountiful provision,.
I have freed you, and will continue to free you from all the cares of this world if you simply trust me. Trust me. Trust that I know best. Trust that I love you. Trust that I will provide. Trust me with you. I will not fail you.
Preach freedom, teach freedom, live freedom.
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