For those of you that know me, when I refer to my three years of stupidity, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you that don't, I have zero intention of ever telling you because unlike some, I am not proud of my stupidity, let alone that it lasted for 3 years. What it was about is totally unimportant. What I want to bring up today is the endless sea of frustration that I lived in. To be clear: it was entirely my fault. Entirely.
I kept asking God for the same thing, over and over and over and over. For 3 very long, confusing years, all I heard was 'No'. Which... in hindsight, isn't all He was saying. It was all I was hearing. In fact, He was saying something much closer to, "No, I have something better for you. It's just not time yet." And had I heard, and held onto that truth, then those 3 years could have been filled with a lot more productivity on my part.
I got myself started in a similar cycle just a few weeks ago. For 5 months now I've been asking God to provide me with a job, and have been applying my brains out, and I've started calling back and am now started with a temp agency to try and get something started. Two weeks ago, I was pretty much close to tears whenever I thought about it. Anthem and I are as broke as I have ever been in my life, which... is a separate post about why I'm thankful for it (even while we work to get out of it) and what I've learned from it. I was close to tears because I was so frustrated. I'm doing everything I know to get hired, I'm applying everywhere I can think of, and still coming up empty.
But I'm not going to make the same mistake I did before, and beat my head against the wall. Because I'm starting to believe that God never says, "No." I don't think He usually explains Himself, because He doesn't. But on top of remembering that God is good, all good things come from Him, and that He is neither spiteful, vengeful, or impotent, I find it useful to remember that a) all things work together in His time, not ours and b) there is no 'down time'. God doesn't waste time. If it's not time for me to be employed, if I haven't learned enough pounding the pavement, if I haven't spent enough time with Anthem, or any other reason that now may not be the time to get a job (though I will continue praying that it is) doesn't mean that it's time to get lost or frustrated or stop trying or stop living and learning. It's not the persistence that was the problem in the past, it was refusing to use the time for His glory while I waited. So I keep myself occupied (which isn't hard. Today is the first day I've just sat down as I haven't been feeling great) while I keep trying and applying and waiting and hoping and make sure I don't stop living and learning and growing.
So I'm going to remember that the last time God seemed to refuse my request, it's because He had something far better in mind, and do my best to stick it out in patience and faith. Because God is good, and like any good parent, He only says 'No' for our good.
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