Friday, March 2, 2012

Day One Hundred - 10%

That's right, everyone, we are officially 10% done today! That's right, we have 90% left to go! Haha, I'm just as excited as you, let me tell you. But it's sort of amazing when I think about it. Where will I be at day 200, where will I be at 500, where will I be on the final day? And where will all of you be? A lot can change in almost three years. Look at how far we've come in 100 days.

We're gonna do two things to commemorate our progress.

1) We're going to FOLLOW the blog officially. It takes 3 minutes if you don't have a google ID. If you read it regularly, please, for me, follow it. And then, leave a comment with your list.

2) Make a list. That's right, I want you to make a list with me. What are the things you want to change in the next hundred days?

a) I want to find a second job I enjoy and start saving for a vacation.
b) I want to start running again.
c) I want to be talked into something ridiculous by the original sparkly marshmallow. Maybe even one of his running things.
d) I want to have all of my books out of storage.

That's my list. What's yours?


  1. 1) I want to find a branch manager for Fargo
    2) I want to start dancing everyday (I've got a bridesmaid dress to look awesome in, come June!)

    If I could add other things that I hope *other* people do for me within the next 100 days, this list would be much, much longer ---like get the full-ride to study at UNL, maybe get the perfect au pair gig, have someone awesome fall in love with me... good to have some goals, but also good to be reminded that, ultimately, nothing is truly in our hands. :)

  2. Update: Linz gave birth, I was talked into something ridiculous by the OSM, and I've almost got that job!
