Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Fifty Seven - Not A Competition

We all know these people. As soon as you start talking about something, anything, they will immediately try to one up you. You got a new car? Theirs is newer and they paid less. New job? Theirs is better and pays more. Go on vacation? Theirs was better and they know some secret spot that the rest of the world doesn't. Tonight, I was telling a friend how my new relationship with The Gentleman was going. Just to catch them up. A girl overheard us, and immediately started telling me about her new boyfriend. Good for you, I said, I'm glad you're happy. I turned back to my friend and talked about my hair, and my spa day (read previous blog for details) and I chuckled at how I feel a little bad for The Gentleman for having to put up with my caterpillars and bleached out hair for so long. She immediately responded with, "My boyfriend doesn't care. I keep telling him I'm going to cut my hair and he says it's my hair and I can do what I want. He likes it just the way it is. And he'll even rub my legs when I haven't shaved for a week and a half." I smiled, "That's very sweet." I just... didn't want to get into a competition. 

I don't care about her boyfriend. I'm very glad she's happy and is being treated well, but its not a competition. That would be idiotic. We're incredibly different people with incredibly different tastes and needs. I'm extremely happy with The Gentleman, but don't feel the need to impress upon anyone that he is better than their significant other. If you're happy, I'm happy. So for the love of all that is decent, can we stop? What does it matter who makes more money at their job if you're happy with it? Or whose vacation was better? Our lives are different because we are. If we just stopped comparing and started being genuinely happy for one another, the world would be a better place. And we wouldn't be so afraid to step away from the norm and do what's best for us, even if others won't understand it. Even if you make less money but enjoy your job, or date someone solely based on how they make you feel rather than their status or looks. Do what is best for you, and don't feel worse because a one uper can flout a few figures in your face. Smile, and pray that one day they will be so satisfied with their life that they won't have to keep constantly comparing it to others to try and give it value. It already has value, they just haven't figured that out yet. My life is unique. But more importantly, my life is mine. It doesn't have to look better than anyone elses to make me happy. 

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