Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Sixty One - As I Get Older

From the time we're children, we hear the phrase 'you'll understand when you're older' more times that we could possibly count. Sometimes, they're right. And when we hit that point, we roll our eyes anticipating the time we'll have to say that to a kid. And sometimes, they're completely full of shit.

I've had a whole lot of moments where I realized my mom was right. Where whoever it was that was older than me was right. More than I could ever possibly remember. Sometimes it's maturity, sometimes it's age, sometimes it's experience. But they were right. I understood it later.

But I've also had my fair share of, "Really? Cause I just think you're full of it." There are certain things that I will never get, simply because we're two very different people and see things very differently. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it annoys me that they somehow think their opinion is more enlightened than mine. It's not. It's just different.

I guess the point of this little rant is this: if in time, you find me making excuses for my poor life decisions (especially habitual ones) and hear me give some sorry excuse for it, namely, "*gentle chuckle* you'll understand when you're older," feel free to hit me upside of the head and respond, "Nope. You're just dumb and trying to find an excuse for the crazy shit you do."

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