Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day Thirty Eight - New Years Resolutions

To all my dear friends who "don't have new years resolutions because when I see a change I want to make I make it immediately/I stopped since I usually fail anyway/I don't know I haven't really thought about it". I don't care, make something up. You sound unfestive and it annoys me. It's the new year. Resolutions are to Dec 31st as fireworks are to July 4th. We get all excited about lighting them and 6 hours later we're over it. Get into the mood, dammit.

Now that we've settled that. My new years resolutions are as follows:

1) Start a bible reading plan. (shout out to my buddy Zach for doing that one with me)

2) Give up pop (not caffeine, coffee and I are still good friends) and drink the actual recommended amount of water per day.

3) Make time for this blog everyday otherwise you'll get more pictures/aimless rants/and poorly edited blogs. And none of us want that.

So, although I know that more than half the people who read this blog don't "do" resolutions, but just in case you're reading this and you do, what are yours?

1 comment:

  1. I resolve to be less crazy...but we all know how that's going to go.
