You how those evil little twihards posted everywhere on the internet "I want Stephanie Meyer to write my love story!!!!!!!!!" And yes, there were that many exclamation points. Maybe more. A) Stephanie Meyer can't write a good love story for crap. It's decent escapist fiction, but it's also encouraging co-dependency. Not good for impressionable young minds. Trust me, there is more out there than crazy, controlling rich guys who want to own you. I promise.
Tonight, as I was praying, some of my sappier music started playing on my iPod. (It may or may not have been part of the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack, just saying.) And I admit, my girly heart ached for a love story of my very own. Hopefully with a guy who is already human. Again, just saying.
And a wave of reassurance washed over me. God's got this. He's writing my love story. And He's proven Himself to be quite the author. I smiled, I could wait a little longer.
And then it hit me. This whole idea of waiting is stupid. Think of your favorite romance novel. And I mean good one so you better be thinking Austen or Rivers or something good. Then think of the hero, and the heroine, and what they did before they met, or got together. They certainly weren't waiting around for their life to begin. They were living it, to the fullest of their ability. That's what made them such great people in the first place. Their life didn't begin the day they met, or the day they got married. It began long before that. And continued to play through those special moments.
There is no waiting. Because each of our stories have already begun. And because God isn't writing the story, and we live it out with the strokes of His pen, He already wrote the story. He wrote the story a really, really long time ago. My first breath to my last has already been written, and nothing I can do will speed it up or slow it down. I am at the complete and total mercy of the author. Which led me to two conclusions.
2) I need to PRAISE Him now for what He has ALREADY done. He already wrote the book. And I'm looking to the author to get me through the book as best I can. So I'm going to thank Him for everything, even before I see what it is. I mean, that's what faith is, isn't it? Believing in what you can't see? That's what He asks of us every day, to believe in Him. So it makes sense He'd want that for every aspect of our life. Including that tiny aspect that happens to be my future love life.
1) I need to do the author justice and be a worthy heroine. There is no waiting. I've got a life to lead, and frankly I rather love my life. Great job, great friends, great home. There is nothing to wait for, just another character to be added. I'm certainly not going to let that stop me, sappy songs or not.
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