This is linked a lot to "Rewind" so if you haven't read that one go catch up really quick. No worries. I'll wait.
Oh good you're back. Awesome. Okay, so a) I am clearly loved as DESPITE what those high and mighty weathermen claimed, there is indeed snow on the ground. It's just a dusting but that's all I wanted anyway. Just some white on the ground. B) Why does everything have to change?
Because it is. Somewhere deep inside of me, I know that this is the last Christmas that we'll be like this. We're all single and struggling, trying to find our way, our place, our person. Next year, I just... somehow it'll all be different. It won't be just us anymore. There will be new people. We'll have to adapt. Next year it won't be the same reunion, we'll have responsibilities and limits. Next year... But first, first we still have to rewind. We have to go back.
I prefer to think of it like that scene from Anastasia where she starts dancing with her own memories. One last dance with them before everything changes. Tonight was our last night of spades with just us. Petey and I may have already had our last car chat and didn't even know it. I know I've had my last smoke with Honky. Everything changes. For one last season, things are as they always have been, and I will be thankful for them.
And then, at the end of the dance, when the rewind ends and its time to move forward, I'll move forward with open arms, ready for my next dance.
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