Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Three - March To The Beat

Yesterday had its own rhythm. As did today. Tomorrow's rhythm will be different. I'm hoping for a slow, long day and not a short, fast one. But whatever comes, if I take a moment, and feel it for a bit, then I can match myself to the rhythm of the day. Each day knows how it has to be lived, how it ought to be lived. We just need to listen, and then join the day. 

Because despite how it may often seem, the day is not out to get you. The day is full of grace, the mercy will not run out before the day is over. 

I don't know what it is but lately it seems like I'm completely out of the loop when it comes to my own life. Like everyone, including the non-person entity that is the period of time that I'm awake, knows more than I do and is trying to direct me. I could sit and analyze, or I could just match myself to the beat and see where it takes me. Or... where it doesn't. 

Of course, I'm going to do that after I sleep for as long as my body allows. For whatever reason, my body is absorbing as much of any form of energy, be it sleep or calories, that it can get its hands on. And considering what I plan on doing to it (exercise) this summer, it deserves all the energy it wants.  

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