You remember a few days ago when I said that I felt a little special because my landlord fixed my shower and now the door opens the right way, but my brain consistently forgets that and tries to open it the wrong way and I've almost panicked twice because I was convinced I was trapped in my own shower? Yea, I've done that at least 5 more times since then.
Because sometimes, I am special. Sometimes, my brain just doesn't get it. Sometimes, I have to learn the same lesson over and over and over and over again. Today, I'm not talking about any lesson in particular. I'm just talking about the concept. Sure, I could feel mentally challenged for never remembering which way the shower opens, but the fact of the matter is that if you asked me, I'd know, and would be able to give you the correct answer. The problem isn't that I don't know, it's that I don't think about it and fall back on habit. Because when I'm in the shower I'm not thinking about the door. Hell, I'm not thinking about anything that has to do with the shower. Shaving, shampooing, conditioning, body wash, it all happens on complete auto pilot. I'm thinking about the day, what I need to get done, having a conversation with God, and about a thousand other things, none of which have anything to do with the shower. And because I spent a year and a half opening it the wrong way, my auto pilot is still there.
I guess the point of all of this is simply: don't get discouraged if you have to relearn a lesson over and over again. It doesn't mean you're failing or doing something wrong, it probably just means you're distracted because life has a tendency to steal your concentration. As you relearn it, it'll become more deeply ingrained until that lesson, which God has seen fit to teach you over and over again, will become your new auto pilot. And that... that is nothing to get discouraged about. That is something to get excited about.
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