That's it. No deep life lessons. Just random thoughts of the day. Because it's that kind of day.
1) The word wanker needs to be redefined. It now means, in its entirety, the sort of dbag that Edwin Whatshisface is.* Note* the only reason that he has not been assassinated is because... well... we're thrifty. Why pay someone to do something that frankly, someone is going to do for free eventually?
2) When my landlord redid my shower, he put the door hinge on the correct way. Except it was on the wrong way for the past year and a half. I have thusly nearly panicked twice because I was convinced I was stuck in the shower only to realize I was pushing the wrong side of the door.
3) You know you're going to love work when you say, "Honestly, all I want to do is flagrantly disregard the harassment policy because seriously, that is too good to pass up." and your manager says, "Then do it. I need a laugh."
4) Reforming my sleep schedule is going to suck. Useful life trait, figuring out how to work 2 jobs and keep a clean house and find time for devotions, but still... suck.
5) Propaganda does still exist. I watched a 10 minute clip of it today. Anti-union propaganda. How do I know it was propaganda? Well because it a) omitted certain relevant facts and b) used cajoling language such as "american workers like you and me" and "your signature is too valuable to just give away".
6) I love how predictable I am. As my second job requires me to wear a uniform to work, I am now determined to wear sweats anytime I am not at work for at least the next week. Such a freaking rebel.
7) How is it that every child knows the laws of the boogyman universe?
a) If your feet are outside the sheet/blanket, they can be attacked.
b) Your hands can be outside the sheet/blanket without fear of attack, but if they leave the bed, they can be attacked.
c) If you are sharing a bed with another person, and you are on the side that is touching a wall, no rule applies to you as the boogyman has to go across the other person, who would definitely wake you before it go to you.
d) None of this stops being true after you reach adulthood.
8) How is it I can often go all day forgetting to eat, but as soon as I get to a job in which I cannot eat, I am suddenly, unbearably, starving?
9) A cool breeze blowing on my face as I am falling asleep is the best feeling in the entire world.
10) Apparently, when you have a child, you are given more energy than those who have none. That, or a deeper motivation to fill your time with things other than sleep. So many things that I have yet to understand, or even grasp.
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