Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day One Hundred and Eighty Eight - Natural Progression

How do you know if you really believe something? You act on it. I act on my belief in gravity every day. I believe my seat belt can save my from most vehicular harm and so wear it whenever I am in a car. I believe the world will still be there when I wake up, and so I go to sleep each night to get ready for it. None of those things are really guaranteed. Well, gravity is pretty much a given, but the seat belt thing and the world not ending in the zombie apocalypse while I sleep are two fairly big risks. Such is the nature of belief. If we truly believe something, it is nothing to hinge our entire life upon it.

Which leads us to today's subject. If God loves me, and truly cares about my suffering, then there is only one reason He allows it: it's purpose is greater than my pain. And that, dear friends, is something to grasp! Something to hope in! Something to rely on. God, being the ultimate multitasker that He is, does nothing, allows nothing, without a purpose. Though, often times, that purpose is far beyond our comprehension. And I'm not saying everything happens for a reason. I think that's total and complete bullshit and anyone that says it is an asshat. But I do believe that God can bring good out of suffering, light out of darkness, purpose out of pain. He didn't hurt you to make you stronger, but He made you stronger through the hurt. And that's a hell of a difference.

And what's more, I apparently am a horrible judge of what is good for me and what is not. I would have never thought losing a best friend, a dream, and a job in the same month would be fantastic but low and behold - it has freed me to truly pursue my One Love. To be pursued by Him. To start acting like a grown up, not tossed by wishful thinking and feelings, but firm in pursuing righteousness and acting on the faith I hold so dearly. So if I believe that God loves me, that He uses bad for good, knows what I need a lot better than I do, and daily surrender to His Will, then I have to embrace whatever comes. And praise Him for it. That... that is how I act on that belief.

If I don't... then I never really believed it in the first place. I only wanted to.

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