Monday, May 14, 2012

Day One Hundred and Seventy Three - Forcing It

I've written out three different blogs tonight and scrapped them all. Because they were crap. Because I was trying to force a lesson, a tid bit, an anything out of an uneventful day. The only thing that made a real impact on me today were razor burn and my Lego HP game not working. Nothing of any real importance. And let's face it, these blogs more or less just come to me. I don't plan them out. I rarely know what I'm going to write before I write it. I sit down and it just... comes to me. And for 172 days, every day, it has just come to me. Today it didn't, and I can't force it.

And I'm totally okay with that. Because the blog is just like everything else in life that you can't force. Which, in case you were curious, is everything. Nothing, not one single thing, in life can be forced. Life does not cater to our sense of timing or our list of preferences.

The more you try to force things into how you want them, the more it sucks. Everything has it's time. Everything. When it just suddenly clicks, when your hard work finally pays off, when you find that person, whatever it may be that you want, when everything suddenly makes sense, for a brief moment you see clearly that what happened and when was better than what you had wanted originally.

So work hard, improve your character, love well, laugh often, live your life. But when something isn't going your way, rather than force it, try and understand that what is in store is better than what you're trying to force.

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