a) Running to Jesus also means looking outside of yourself, other people, or substances for your salvation from whatever it is you need saving from. It helps remove you from your own mind, at the very least giving you a better perspective of the situation. The ultimate bonus is that you ran to the one person who can do anything and loves you more than you can comprehend. BONUS POINTS.
b) Praising Jesus is a fantastic way to once again get a sense of perspective, but also to make all your fears and doubts shut the fuck up because of the goodness and omnipotence of the God you serve. It is also fairly handy to remind you all of the times He has helped you in the past. Remembering His goodness makes it easier to rely on His goodness. The ultimate bonus is that He is good. BONUS POINTS.
c) Crying to Jesus gets your own head on straight. Expression is utmost. God hates posturing. He says this repeatedly in the OT as well as the NT. If you're angry - scream. If you're hurt - cry. If you're confused... make a face. The point remains that in order to communicate with God you must communicate truthfully. And when you express your emotions truthfully, even if they change as quickly as the waves, you can slowly come to an understanding of what all you're feeling and why. Communicating with God makes it easier for you to know the truth yourself. The ultimate bonus comes because by crying to Jesus, you're both in the know. BONUS POINTS.
The toughest part about all of this is that while true, the help isn't always instant. Tonight it was enough to keep me from doing anything self destructive or anything to artificially numb the pain, but not a lot else. The hardest part is waiting, knowing that He is good and that I am powerless. So to buy some time, I'm going to try and collapse in my bed.
God I hope this helps someone someday, because right now it's just me being way too honest with people I'd rather now show weakness around.
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