For anyone who hasn't noticed how incredibly hot it's been for the entire summer... well you're more of a hermit than I am. I have the day off, and so started my mornings the way I prefer, on my porch, in my hammock. It was 83 degrees and there was a gentle breeze. And it felt delightfully cool. Like, as good as a glass of ice cold iced tea.
Because it's all about perspective. When it's been 104, 83 feels amazing. When life is great, the little things seem bigger. When life sucks, the little blessings make all the difference. Always try to keep in mind, it can always get so much worse. Always keep life compared to absolute and total crap - because in perspective - life is wonderful. And that's the truth of life. It's wonderful. No matter how much it sucks, no matter how hard it rains, no matter how many times it knocks you down, it's wonderful.
Never, never forget that.
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