If you don't have an obsession with coffee, this blog may not make a lot of sense. If you do, then it'll make a vast deal more sense. Here's to the coffee lovers!
A good cup of coffee is complex. It lures you in with an aroma. Especially when groggy with sleep, and your eyes won't quite focus, you follow your nose. And the sound of hot coffee pouring is simply a delight. You know the goodness is coming. You raise it to your lips, inhale deeply one last time, and taste it. And it's heaven on earth. Sometimes, I add cream and sugar, to make it taste just right. Sometimes, I like it black. Sometimes, I just want a chai tea with half and half. Doesn't really matter, I just love coffee. And Chai Tea counts. So there.
Granted, when I was a kid, I could not for the life of me understand why my parents were so insistent on this morning routine. They drank nasty brown stuff like it was ambrosia and told me in time I'd understand. As a child, I laughed at this. If I wanted to wake up, like they told me it woke them up, I'd have a pop, thank you. Now as an adult the thought of an overly sweet carbonated beverage in the morning is less than appealing. But the thought of a hot cup of coffee is bliss. Funny how things change.
It's not like I woke up one day and realized I liked the taste of coffee in the morning, it was a slow evolution. First I liked really sugary, sweet coffee. I'm not even sure you could call it coffee. There was more sugar and cream than actual brew. Then I slowly progressed to lattes, with various flavors added to them. And then, just straight lattes. And then, one morning, when I was desperate for something to warm me and wake me up, and something sweet was less than appealing, I tried a black coffee. And found myself in love.
Just as my taste in coffee has evolved as I've grown up, so has my taste in men. At first I liked them sweet and carbonated. So sugary it made my dentist groan. But after trying to date that for a prolonged period of time I realized that the bubbly fades, and the sugar can turn your stomach. So I progressed. I still wanted it sweet, but not overly complex. I wanted something I knew, something that simply tasted good. I quickly grew out of that as well. Now, while I will always love my Chai Tea Lattes simply for tasting like Christmas, I prefer most of my coffee to taste more of brew than added sweeteners. I like my men to be complex, to be something that even after tasting it a hundred times, I'll still find a new flavor and enjoy it like the first time all over again. Because if the brew tastes bad, no added sweetener is going to help. If the brew tastes good, it's delicious just by itself.
I like a guy with a work ethic and motivation, but that doesn't let it take away the rest of his life. I like a guy who starts the day with rituals that are utterly foreign to me: like doing chess puzzles for fun. I like a guy who has many senses of humor, from dry to punny. I like a guy I can have casual physics conversations with. I like a guy who also drinks coffee in the morning and understands the importance of it. So as I sit here, and drink my coffee, I cannot help but smile. Yea. I like that guy a lot.
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