Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day Fifty Six - My Mom Always Used To Say...

Today was not very sparkly. I was answering e-mails before I even got out of bed today, and wasn't able to log out of my work e-mail or set the computer down until just after 7pm. I was honestly productive with every moment between 8am and 7pm. Reminds me of something my mom used to say when I was a kid.

I was never one for chores. Or really any sort of extended work periods. I believed in breaks. Some breaks could last the whole day. My mother, on the other hand, believed that a 'break' meant switching tasks, not relaxing. In order to give me a 'break' from cleaning the kitchen, she'd want me to take out the trash. To give me a 'break' from cleaning my room, she'd want me to help my brother change the light bulbs. It often times made me look at her like she had 2 heads. I mean, the woman was supposedly wiser and more experienced in life, and yet she had yet to truly understand the concept of a break. It's not like its a difficult concept.

Except, today, I really didn't have time for a break. I had things that needed to get done. At 2:30 when I could not handle another moment of feeling behind at work, I took a 'break' to get some housework done to try and clear my head. I went from one job to another. Every time I needed a break today, it became some form of productivity, because it all needed to be done. I ruefully shook my fist at those memories, cause dang it all, mom was right. Taking a 'break' to clean my kitchen really helped me settle back into a positive frame of mind for work. Taking a 'break' from housework to reply to an e-mail or two or tweak a design helped the monotony of doing dishes. Back and forth for almost the entire afternoon.

That being said, although it was useful, it was less than sparkly. Today, I was at a loss of how to add a little sparkle into my day. I barely had time for sanity, let alone sparkle. But there must be ways, and I want to find them, tell you all, and do them. Days like today are exhausting and are best avoided if at all possible.

Any ideas? What do you do to make hectic, 'catch up' days sparkly? What do you do to break the monotony and add a little something special to your day?


  1. I have a very sparkly job as it is. I just have to sit down with a kid and talk with them to add a little more sparkle to an exhausting day. If you ever need a laugh, I could probably provide a few adorable stories. :)

  2. I think the sparkle comes at the end of the day when you realize you got so much done.
