Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Forty Four - Buddies

Just a quick one today folks. And this one has to do with buddies. 

Today involved two different buddies. One buddy I drank two glasses of wine with and giggled to the end of Back to the Future. And am now really regretting the buzz. Because it just doesn't feel good. 

The other buddy gave me a hug and since we had both come to the conclusion, a number of times, that we weren't interested in alcohol anymore, became "non drinking, bible reading buddies" to keep us both on track for what we want for our lives. 

I love them both dearly, and only one of them ever reads this blog, so I'm not overly concerned about it. It just really made me wonder: there are some people I dearly love, but maybe for now, it's not a great time for them to be big contributing factors in my life. At least not until I have a little more self control. Which isn't their fault, it's mine. But the conclusion remains the same. 



  1. Sometimes you have to limit your face time with people because they aren't on the same page as you. While giving up drinking and smoking and all that, it's pry best to avoid 'em.

  2. Which isn't to say that you better get it under control by the time I'm in Iowa and un-pregnant cuz this lady needs a margaritaaaaa. ;-) (just making some lightness after that previous downer commentary)

  3. Both are correct! Limiting face time is necessary. And being able to rather happily sip on some pineapple and sprite while you enjoy a well deserved margarita. Because you, my dearest love, are one of those rare friends that sober me love love loves drunk you. :) ;*
