I'm hungry. Not for food. Well, a little. But that's not the point.
You ever have a craving? You're just hungry for that one thing and nothing is going to really satisfy you until you get it? Whenever I have those, it's usually crab cakes. But this time, it's a little different.
Whenever I set time aside to do something, I usually set that time right before bed. Like lotion. My skin is so dry. So I've made a mental note to apply my favorite lotion (bath and body works Awake scent, it just calms me so) every night before bed. I know I'm going to have the time to do it then. I usually take the same approach to my prayer and Bible reading. I know I'm going to have time then, or if I don't, I can make the time then.
I know in previous posts I've talked about how hard it was to get motivated to read the bible, and start a devo again. Now, I'm having the opposite problem. Every night when I finish my allotted reading of the night, I don't want to be done. I want to keep reading. I want more. But I sort of see it as lotion. The answer to dry skin isn't always 'more lotion', part of it is time, the lotion has to soak in, go beneath the surface, hydrate all the layers. If one just kept applying more lotion, soon you'd just be one big slippery mess that couldn't twist a door knob if you're life depended on it. Maybe it's the same way with Bible readings and devos. The answer isn't more, but to let it soak in.
I think that's what I'm missing right now. I'm giving time to reading, but not a lot of time to thinking. Because at night, when I'm tired, even the most interesting theological question is going to put me to sleep. Which makes me groan a little bit, because the logical answer is then in the morning. But maybe that's not so bad. A lot of the time I wake up by reading the news on my iPhone. Maybe after, or before my news intake, I could just read over my notes from the night before and give myself a few moments to dwell on them. Because the brain is sort of like a computer, and if I take the time to open that application, just because it isn't always on top, doesn't mean it isn't running. Yea. I like that idea. I'm gonna give it a shot.
I think it might work because although I'm craving the Bible, I'm craving what it gives me. And that is knowledge about God, that's what I really want. And that cannot be found by sheer volume alone, but by careful contemplation. That's my theory for the day.
So now I'm curious. What are you hungry for? And what do you do to satisfy that hunger?
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