Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day Forty Nine - My Midol Hasn't Kicked In Yet

Usually, I'm pretty good at controlling my hatred of humanity. I know. I'm a Christian. I'm not supposed to hate humanity. I'm supposed to love it. And want it to be saved. And I do, I really do, but I also want it to stop being so fucking stupid. And you know what, I'm in pain, I'm exhausted but know I'm not going to sleep well, and I swear I live in one of the stupidest towns on God's green earth, so tonight, I'm just going to hate for a few minutes. But rather than ranting, which we all know I can do and abundantly, I'm going to list the stuff that annoys me, and I want to know what you think about it. Because I enjoy discussion among rational, intelligent beings. And judging by the people I know are reading this, I consider you highly intelligent.

Five Things That Made Me Question The Intelligence Of The Masses Today
(That's right, I'm only listing stuff that pissed me off this very day.)

1. The argument that apes should be granted the status of personhood in legal proceedings. I would have a far kinder view on this if it wasn't for the fact that preborn babies aren't granted that status. 

2. The second story reported on my local news tonight was the 'flurries' we had today, and how to act in cold weather. And I quote, "Bundle up, take 'warm up' breaks, don't get hypothermia, avoid frostbite by covering your extremities." In case you have found this blog randomly and have not looked, I live in Iowa. I've understood what to do in cold weather since I could dress myself. If anyone who lives in Iowa is intimidated by flurries or temperatures below 40 degrees, then they're living in the wrong state and need to move immediately. 

3. People pay tens of thousands of dollars to have their beloved pets cloned. Seriously? You decided that was the best possible use of that money. At some point, I can understand that they're afraid another dog wouldn't love them. Maybe that's true. Because they're assholes spending tens of thousands of dollars to clone their dog. But here's my idea. If they gave the money to charity, they wouldn't be such an asshole, and therefore a new dog would, in time, learn to love them. 

4. Parents cannot read or choose not to follow simple instructions. I cannot tell you how many forms filled out by parents that I have wanted, so badly, to crumple and throw at them. When I ask you to rate something for me, out of your preference, please do so. A single check mark by the one you want is not rating. That's checking. I'm pretty sure their kid knows the difference. Be smarter than your kid. 

5. People who whine about how their lives suck, but will not lift a pinky finger to change their situation. My response to them is usually, "Oh, well then, feel free to just wallow in misery until you die." I then walk away, because I have better shit to be doing than listening to anyone whine about situations they usually walked themselves into. I really cannot handle responsibility shirkers.

So, do you think I am wrong on any of these points? Perhaps being a bit harsh? Or, even better, what pisses you off to the point of fantasized violence?

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