The binge, it seems, has ended. It could probably go on for weeks, but at the second available (I ignored the first one cause I was in the middle of a quest) weakening of desire, I figured, lets just do it. But then I realized, like I had with all of my previous addictions (did I mention I have a highly addictive personality?) that the best way to fight them is to replace them. Not necessarily with another addiction, merely with another activity. When I quit smoking, I started crocheting. For hours each day. It kept my hands busy and kept me inside, away from outside, which is where the smoking occurred. When I quit drinking... well no that one was a hell of a lot easier cause I just didn't want to do it anymore. Point remains. When I'm trying to *mostly* give up TV (Grey's and Fringe and Hell's Kitchen are just damn good television, okay? Ooh and Downton Abby. Everyone knows that British TV doesn't even count as TV.), we're talking about a few hours each day that need to be diverted. If I'm still just 'sitting' then the problem isn't going to go away.
Here's where you come in, dear friends. Help a girl out. I've only go so many ideas.
Books. I have at least 10 that I want to read.
When it warms up a bit: Running. I used to love it, I'm going to again.
Hairstyles. My hair is getting ridiculously long and I want to learn different ways to do it.
Indoor Herb Gardens. Damn you Pinterest.
Playing with images/inspirational words on photoshop.
Bible studies.
Poetry. Reading and writing. Its been ages since I wrote poetry and I'm craving it.
Make my house immaculate.
So... if you know me well, then help me with my interests. If you don't, share some of yours. Just remember: no video games, or TV. And I'm not banning them, I just hate how much time they take up in my life. I want to cut it down to less than 5 hours a week (not counting the news) for both activities combined.
That being said, Zelda is still my hero and if there is once exception to this rule it is Zelda on the gamecube. Cause sometimes a weekend needs to be spent playing Ocarina of Time. But sometimes it needs to be spent with a cup of tea and some Jane Austen. Or even better, some Mark Driscoll. Or help me find an author I haven't discovered yet, or an activity I must try. Aaaand go!
Cross stitching? Scrapbooking? I think Pinterest is going to be very helpful in finding you projects to do.