I've talked about how I get to be a witness. Now, I ask you to join me in this. I'm writing this for its timestamp, and so that you all can join me that it was indeed written on this day. This letter is written in code, it is not to be understood. I get to use this one day to use this blog, not for you, or for me, but for a friend who will read it in around 6 months.
Dear Alex,
What if I were to tell you that there is a man waiting for you that is everything you've ever wanted? What if I were to tell you that God placed your face on his heart and he loved you before he knew your name? What if I were to tell you that from the moment he saw your face in his heart, that he stayed faithful to you and only you? That he prayed for you every day, and could hardly resist the urge to drive to you, to woo you, and to start loving you for the rest of his life?
What if I were to tell you that he would never abuse you, neglect you, or belittle you? What if I were to tell you that he fell in love with your voice when God put your laugh in his ear? What if I were to tell you that he's perfect for you, and you are perfect for him, and all you have to do is dance with him? Yup. That guy. In the blue plaid. Yes, the one with the tattoos. The one who hasn't taken his eyes off of you for two days. That guy loves you because you are so special God told him about you. Six months ago. And he's been waiting for you ever since.
Give him a chance, Alex. Please? For me? Look at the date on this. And trust me. Now go dance with the boy and give me an update when I get back. Oh also: don't wait for the other shoe to drop on this one, it won't. I've known him for a very long time, he is everything I ever wanted for you. And you for him. Accept the sappy that lives inside you and accept that you're his princess.
Lastly, he has a gift too. Care to guess what it is? ;)
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