I've been accusing people of putting God in a box for YEARS. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. Who is anyone to tell God what He can and cannot do? How He can and cannot accomplish His purposes? The arrogance involved in that is mind blowing.
And yet I realized I've been guilty of the same thing. And perhaps it isn't always motivated by arrogance, but by small faith. Until recently, it was only head knowledge (not heart knowledge) that God was actually in control, and that His will was bent to my cries. Because He placed the desires in my heart, our wills are one.
How transparent it all seems now... I sort of feel like I'm in the matrix. I can see what is behind everything. And it's all Him. How could I not see it before? How could I not see the beauty of it? The art? How could I not see the intricacy? How could I not perceive all the moving parts? How could I not see the mover? When all He does all day is woo me?
Lord, forgive me for my unbelief. You can walk on water, or split it. You can create the storm or cease it. You can move a man with a whale, you can destroy a town with fire from the sky. You can do all things, and You love me.
You were never in the box, only I was. Reach in, bring me out. There is just so much world on the other side of this box. And with You by my side, anything is possible. Thank you, Lord. Not only have You saved me from death, You have saved me from myself. From leading a mediocre life. God, never let me crawl back into the smallness of my own expectations, but let me fly on the bigness of Yours.
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