Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Seven - Coincidence

Sometimes... the most unexpected, tiniest of things, can stop you dead in your tracks. That happened to me today. And I found not one, not two, but three things that all pointed to the fact that I am completely nuts. Which is sort of great considering that's what I was going for. I mean, it is the Rabbit Hole. Sparkly Marshmallows. This is not a place for the sane.

The thing is, of course, that it would take about sixteen paragraphs to explain why a Jeremiah 29:11 pendant, 5 fake catholic coins, and a Prayer of Jabez coin radically changed my day. Their significance is for me to understand. But let me tell you, it's insane. Each one was like a resounding, deep gong that echoed through the past and the present and the future. Each one like a little, annoying blue fairy that is desperate for your attention to point you on the right path, or give you some tip for defeating that dreaded enemy: doubt.

The pendent is now around my neck and won't be leaving. I'm fairly confident it's as permanent as the Rabbit Hole. So, for at least for the next 993 days. The coins... I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those yet, but it'll have some significance and when I figure out what they're for, I'll be sure to tell you. The prayer coin is going to stay near, like a token that stays with me, to constantly remind of that prayer on the wall I used to look at when I was pretending to care about... Godfather? That was a Playstation game, right? I said I was pretending.

I know they all seem weirdly insignificant, but they really did mean the world to me. And they appeared the moment I needed them most. In the Rabbit Hole, there is no such thing as a coincidence. There are perfectly timed gifts. In today's case - they were lifelines. Lifelines pulling me back into the Rabbit Hole. They made my heart a little lighter. The added a little more sparkle to my life. A little more glitter. Even if I'm the only one that can see it.

P.S. My kitchen is SPARKLING with lysoled cleanliness. Better Homes and Gardens you are not out of my reach.