Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 396 - Medicine

Oy vey it has been a long week. It just... has been. Lots of work, lots of missing Anthem. And at times, it's been really discouraging. Sometimes I just can't seem to get ahead at work, and whenever that seems to be the case is when I have to leave one job for the next and can't put in the extra time that I would like to. 

It's been a long week. 

But last night... last night I got to skype with Anthem for close to two hours. We talked, we laughed, we shared what we'd been doing and what we'd found funny and we shared stories and I laughed. I laughed so much. I felt all the pressures slide right off my back, because I was laughing with the man I loved and everything was going to be okay. We laughed about pikachu t-shirts, about the music in cartoons, about my random cooking adventures, and our shared nerdiness. 

It was exactly, exactly what I needed. I went to sleep at peace, I woke up refreshed and feeling better than I have all week. I woke up happy, I woke up productive, I woke up with a clear mind and contented heart. 

Laughter is the best medicine, but laughing with the man I love about our shared interests, sharing our lives, and feeling more free about my life, and my mistakes, and my dreams than I ever have. 

I didn't need more sleep. I needed rest, and with Anthem... I found it. Best medicine I've ever had to help the ails of a stressful week. 

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