Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 402 - Two's Company

My phone rang this morning, around 8am. I'd slept for close to twelve hours at that point, but I was still groggy as all get out. "Hello?" I answered, sounded very much as if I'd swallowed a frog.

"I love you," I hear, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. You are so interesting, and fascinating, and beautiful. I love you, I love you, I love you, and I miss you so much."

That, ladies, is how you start a morning off right. I melted into a little puddle of warm goo. "I miss your company," He said, "Last night, you remember how I went to that friend's recital? Afterward, she and her boyfriend and some other friends went out, but some ditched on us as it was getting late. Anyway, so it turned out being those two, and then this other guy and this other girl. But the guy was hitting on the girl with the boyfriend, and so the other girl and I chatted a little bit and... I miss you. Seriously. She was so boring. She didn't have anything interesting to say, and she was trying way too hard. The whole time I was thinking, where is my love?! I wanted to talk to you. It's so refreshing, talking to you!"

I knew exactly what he was talking about, I feel the same way often. I love his ideas, the way his mind works and thinks outside the box. I love the very rhythm of his speech. I love the plans we make, and I miss nothing as much as tugging on his hand to show him something I found interesting and hearing his opinion on it. I miss his company so very much. He's my favorite person to just hang out with. I love being active with him, and just relaxing. I love watching movies, and I love laughing, and just walking around with him. Exploring. 

No one else even comes close. He's not perfect, but he is perfect for me. And every day reveals that more and more. I miss his company. I miss hanging out with him, doing things with him, eating with him, cooking with him, designing with him, and trying new things and looking silly together. I miss his company. 

Two's company. 

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