Friday, May 4, 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Three - Trust

The OSM often corrects me. About a lot of things. But one recurring correction happens whenever I say, "But I know him." And he says, "Do you? Completely? You can't know all of anyone."

He's right. But there comes a point of knowing in which you take the rest on faith. We'll use the OSM as an example. I don't know all of him. I can't. That particular sparkly marshmallow has too many layers for me to ever know all of him. But from what I do know, I take the rest on faith. I trust him, because of what I do know. The OSM is one of the few people I trust completely. And I do that fully aware that I don't know all of him. What I don't know doesn't concern me because of what I do know.

I feel like it's the same with God. I'm rather frequently asked questions that I honestly don't have good answers to. "What about people who never had access to the gospel and thusly can't choose Jesus?" Not a clue. "If God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then why 'the ban' in the Old Testament and forgiveness and testimony in the New?" Not. A. Clue. Trust me, there are a lot more, things that I can't answer. I don't know, but none of those questions make me doubt in any way.

Because I know enough. Because He has proved Himself enough to have my undivided trust. I will never be able to know all of Him, to know the reaches of His mind or His decision making process. But I do know Him, enough to trust Him. Enough to know that I don't need to know all of Him, to have all the answers to know the person. I do know Him. I know His character. I know He loves me, I know He loves you, I know He works for our good, I know He does what is best even if it is not what is easiest, I know He'd never abandon me, I know He is wise, I know He is strong, I know He is gracious, I know He is truthful, I know He has a sense of humor, I know He loves and gives freedom, I know He fights for the underdog, I know He's just. I know lots about Him, but not all.

I don't need to. And I'd ask you to think about that. If what has kept you from Jesus is not having all the answers about Him... maybe you need to look at what you do know about Him and make a decision based on that. After all, it's a lot easier to get to know someone you have a relationship with rather than someone you just read about in a book.

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