Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Forty Three - Finally

Yesterday, my friend Bruce told me something incredibly wise. "Don't be a dummy." And, shockingly, I took his advice. And started today off right with some Francis J. Roberts. He's not exactly Chan or Piper or Driscoll. In fact, so far as Christian authors goes, he's pretty obscure. Which makes me really sad because his stuff is pure gold. So I read three of his devotions. (Come Away My Beloved is his best seller, I cannot recommend it highly enough, though all of his books have been phenomenal.) And they were wonderful. As if they were written just for me. I sipped coffee and talked to God, and He smiled and held me in His arms. It was a delicious way to start  the morning.

The rest of the day was fairly normal. I took a phone call from an overly caffeinated, whilst very appreciated, mother at 9:00am. I took our Christmas decorations down and to the storage unit. I spent some time with a good friend, saying our goodbyes before he leaves to go back to Texas. I called my friend Bruce. I worked a bit more and then piddled around with my designs a little more. I took a shower, did dishes, made dinner, and watched Grey's Anatomy.  And now, even with my sore throat (these ridiculously high temperatures in the middle of January are seriously messing with my allergies) I am excited for my Bible time tonight. 

I cannot tell you how long it has been since I wanted to read the Bible. It's been a struggle for me for years now. I once had a real passion for it, I wanted to do it, I found joy in it, I found peace and comfort in it. And then, when everything fell apart, so did my desire and joy and peace and comfort in the Word. And I just couldn't seem to make reading it a habit again. 

But my joy, my peace, my comfort, and even better, my desire to read it has come back full force. It has my thinking, absorbing, rejoicing, worshiping, learning, and praising again. I get excited for that time of the night every night. Finally.

It's like I told my mom tonight, I love my life. I love my job, I love my home, I love my food, I love the TV schedule for the upcoming week. I love my books, I love my friends, I love every blanket on my bed. And now is a time of blessing it seems. And I'm going to soak up every minute of it so the next dry spell isn't so incredibly dry. 

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