Monday, January 14, 2013

Day Three Hundred and Eighty One - Know Your Weaknesses

Mornings and I do not get along. We just... don't. I hate mornings. Every morning is a struggle for me. I don't want to get out of bed. I love bed. Lately I've been loving my dreams. Like last night, I had a space dream, and a sailing dream. Both were awesome. And vividly colored. And I did not like being woken up from them. I hit my snooze button for a solid hour. I'm ashamed of that fact. I've been struggling for MONTHS to get up when I want to rather than what I have to. 

Clearly, setting my mind to it the night before isn't working. So I'm changing my methods. I'm putting the phone away from me in the mornings by plugging it in away from me at night. That baby is going to go off until I get out of bed to turn it off. Which should be fairly quick. Patience is not something I posses before 8am. 

And there is stuff I want to get done in the morning. I'm not going to work out or anything. Don't make me laugh. But I am going to stretch, pray, and drink some delicious, delicious tea. 

Why, you ask? Is tea that much more important than sleep? No. It's not. Making sure that I am in control of my body, and am not a slave to it, is. 

I know my weaknesses, and have a plan to beat them. If there is something you keep failing at doing, maybe you need to approach it differently. I'll let you know how it goes. 

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