Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Seventy Two - Waking Up Right

I have guilt issues. And anxiety problems. And I think way too much. Which, at times, can lead to some shitty mornings. Especially mornings where I get to linger in that limbo between awake and asleep. I woke up and immediately my brain started thinking about all the things I should have done differently the day before and worrying about how it might affect my day. And it was filling my newly rested muscles with tension and stress. And that... is no way to start the day.

And then, it hit me. Instead of starting the day apologizing to God about my mistakes from yesterday, which does nothing for either of us, I will start the day asking for His provision, blessings, and guidance. It's a new day. God knows I can't get through it left to myself. At least not well. And He isn't requiring perfection. He's requiring dependence. And I am fully dependent on Him. He knows what the next moment will hold and what I will need to get through it. He knows the joys that are coming and how to make them more joyful than I could have imagined. I need Him. I need His provision, I need His blessings, I need Him. So instead of focusing on the ways I could have done better the day before, I stopped myself, took a breath, and restarted. I asked for His help to live today the best I could, and asked that He provide all I needed for today. Just for today. Because tomorrow will take care of itself. 

And now I really feel as if this day has 10x more potential than it did while I was still in bed, worrying. Amen. And Amen. 

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