Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Ninety Nine - Motivation

I have this weird thing that happens to me sometimes. Sometimes, I wake up and something in me has changed. Or sometimes, things start to slowly change and I catch onto it right before it solidifies. Either way, the change is never conscious. It's always just... there. And it's always good, the timing is always perfect. 

The shift from head knowledge to heart knowledge that I wrote about the first of the year? That was one of my strange 'motivators'. It was of the 'insta' variety. The slow growing sort last showed up when it was time to quit the bar at which I worked. It grew and grew in my heart and mind until it just was. I didn't work there anymore. 

So I was kind of surprised at the growing motivation that I just recently became aware of: I need to start saving every penny and get rid of all my stuff that isn't essential. So I pretty much need it whittled down to my books, my clothes, and my pictures. I couldn't tell you why yet. I don't know whether its because I'll need to take a trip soon or be moving or any other number of options. But the motivation has settled deep inside in a way I can't force myself to acquire. 

Personally, I hope it leads me to the saltwater remedies. But I'm not curious where it'll lead me. I'm curious if I'm the only one that gets these 'motivators'. Anyone else?

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