Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Nineteen - Priorities

How many times have I ranted about people in this blog? Well, this is day two hundred and nineteen so for two hundred and eighteen days, I've ranted about people. I really, truly, have a hard time with them. They drive me crazy. Especially Christians. I really cannot stand them. They're a divisive group, usually bent on outshining each other in false piety and seeing who follows a completely arbitrary set of rules best. They're judgmental, hypocritical, and I am completely one of them. And so are my best friends. Because deep down, there is a love that draws us together. We're each an ember of a raging fire, and when we're alone, it starts to die. Given long enough, probability states that it will go out.

I've been a lone ranger in the Christianity thing for a very long time. You can only get burned so many times, ya know? But I was wrong. You keep trying. I need these people. I need their faults, I need their pettiness, I need their forgiveness and their quirks. I need them to push me, to humble me, to walk this life with me. I need to love those God loves and as annoying as all humans may be, God loves them. He especially loves His church, so I must as well. And the more I'm around them, the easier it gets. When bible study got cancelled tonight, I was actually disappointed.

Because God has been really big on changing my priorities. He has two. His Word and His people. He wants me to share them. And I've fallen in love with God's word, I have. But I don't give it any priority. I make sure I read a little each night before bed, which is the equivalent of only ever sending a goodnight text to the one you love. And we all know how I feel about groups and Christians and Christians in groups but that's been changing too. I need them. We all need each other. And that means even when my legs ache and I'd much rather be doing anything else, I'm going to go. Because His word and His people are my priority.

So... now I'm gonna go read my bible a little. Have a great night!

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