Monday, October 1, 2012

Day Three Hundred and Eight - Push Through

Sometimes, when things get hard, we need to take a break, build our strength back up, and give it another go round. Sometimes, we need to push through. Today, I'm at a push through point. Even good things take energy, and I'm running pretty low. This waiting game I'm playing with Madison is slowly driving me insane, and my wonderful, amazing Anthem is opening my mind to so many horizons I'd never even considered that I'm fighting a hell of a migraine. But this... this is not one of those times to back down and recoup. This is one of those times to dig deep. How do I know? Cause I don't have a choice.

There is no 'regrouping' from the waiting game. Not unless I miraculously stop caring about the Madison job. Which, since I don't play the lottery and have no incredibly wealthy relatives on their deathbeds (or really incredibly wealthy relatives period), isn't about to happen this week. And Anthem? I admit I feel like I need to nap more when I'm around him, but I love the fact that he's so full of life. I love the fact that he wants so much out of this short life. I have no doubt that I'll get used to it, it's just a bit of a stretch right now. A good stretch. The kind that makes you itch for even more life. And I have no doubt that more and more life is exactly what's in front of me. I've been too still for too long. My joints seem to have forgotten how to run, and Anthem is helping me run again. I just hope he's ready for what will come when I shake off all the dust.

Push push push until you come out on top. When your back is against the wall, when there is no where else to go, forward is the only direction. Push, push, push until the path clears and even then... just keep running. Especially if you have someone by your side. I've never been alone, and I see that now. The OSM, Erica, Tex, my heterosexual lifemate, Honky, The Ghost, and so many more. And now Anthem.

Thank you for pushing, thank you for pulling, thank you for loving. Because now I have the strength to push through... now I have the strength to run again.

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